You might think you don’t need new friends, until you realize that there are many places you’d like to visit or events you love that you can’t attend because there’s no one to go with. These apps to find friends will be of immense benefit to you.

You might have a close-knit group of friends but life happens and you find that you are lonely. Some get jobs that make them busy all the time, a few might be married and slightly unavailable or some might have moved out of town. Either way, you’ve realised that you need to make friends.
It is much harder to make friends as we get older. It’s sadly true. Also, finding people with the same interests may seem like a herculean task. As with all things in this digital age, there are apps to find friends that make this task easier. All these apps are available on the App store and Play store.
Social Media:
You’re probably rolling your eyes right now, but all social media have the potential to land new friends. They allow you to interact with people with similar interests and actively engage with their content.
Bumble BFF:
Bumble is big in the matchmaking game but realised that many people need a friend whilst they seek for life partners and lovers. So they created a friend app to help out. Swipe right for the friends you’d like to meet and swipe left for those you don’t. Download Bumble BFF.
Meetup organizes online groups that host in-person events for people with similar interests. This friend finder app helps you get connected with local groups hosting online events so you can meet new people and try new things. Download Meetup.
This app is one of the best apps for making friends as it’s known for strictly making platonic friends. Its main goal is to connect compatible people together. It is one of the highly reviewed apps to find friends. Download Patook.
Nextdoor is the neighbourhood hub for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and services. It connects you with people who live close by. This app helps to find friends within your locale. Join Nextdoor.
This app is known as the “Tinder for (girl) friends,” You can use it to meet female friends at any time. Swipe to meet new friends, join communities, take quizzes, & read awesome articles to live your best life. Download Hey! VINA.
This app seeks to help you meet interesting people near you. You can connect with people everywhere, such as in a book shop, bar or the mall. It is one of the best apps to find friends. Download REALU.
Yubo makes it easy to discover new friends all around the world. With Yubo, you chat on the app’s messaging feature and then video chat with your new friend through the app so you can see their faces before even meeting up. It is one of the safest apps to find friends. Download Yubo.
Friender is a mobile app that connects people with common interests. When you create a profile, it will link you with people who share likes similar to yours. It is one of the best apps to find friends. Download Friender.
Functional Apps That You Can Use To Make Friends:
- Atleto: This app connects everyday athletes in the same area. So if you need a workout buddy it’d do the job and could help you make a new friend.
- Meet My Dog: Once you register with your info and your pup’s info, you can connect with other owners nearby for doggy play dates and walks.
- Peanut: An app for moms to discuss motherhood and kids. The app connects you with local moms or moms-to-be. You can make friends and meetup. (speaking of mothers, here are some fun kids crafts.)
- Mom Life: Chat about maternity leave, fertility, potty training and all things mom-related. You can also set up playdates.
Having good friends is very important. Which of these apps to find friends will you be using? Let me know in the comments.