Being in school is fun except when it comes to assignments and exams. Most students need to do extensive research before writing an essay for class and depending on how it is depicted, it can be flagged for plagiarism. Plagiarism checks are the bane of any assignment or coursework that is about to be handed in.

Best Tools That Will Scan Your Course Work For Plagiarism
Many lecturers and teachers scan for plagiarism before marking any assignment these days. The way to make sure you get the best mark possible is to check the plagiarism percentage of your assignment or project before submitting it. Here are some paid plagiarism tools worth considering.
Most students do not have the money to pay for extra things. Here are the best plagiarism tools for students to check their academic work that are free. Using these tools promote academic integrity, streamlines grading and feedback, deters plagiarism, and improves student outcomes. These free plagiarism checkers have software that lets you detect duplicate content and check if your text is original.
- Copyscape
- DupliChecker
- Plagscan
- Copyleaks
- Plagiarisma
- Search Engine Reports
- Small SEO Tools
- PaperRater Plagium

Kindly note that this list is not exhaustive and is not in order of importance. If you enjoyed reading this, there are a host of financial and career resources you will like. You can find them below;
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Which of these lovely plagiarism checkers have you used before? Have you got one you prefer? Kindly let us know in the comments below.