Most work meetings are terrible. They last long and sometimes end with no true resolution. If someone is speaking at a meeting and you disagree, it might be difficult to convey your annoyance and disappointment in a non-insulting fashion. Here are the best ways to state your disagreement in a meeting or e-mail.

- It seems your line of thought might not align with the reality on ground.
- There seems to be a slight dissonance between your thought process and the current reality.
- Adding a slight effort in reasoning would have changed the outcome of this event.
- I think our level of comprehension is at varying depths in this case.
- There are substantial leaps of logic in your argument.
- This discussion lacks coherence (or logic, relevance).
- That’s out of the box thinking but in a counter-productive way.
- I’m failing to see how this suggestion moves us forward.

- I’m failing to see how this is conducive to the discussion at hand. Would you care to clarify?
- Let’s put a pin in that and circle back later.
- I would appreciate if we strive for clarity in this issue; care to expound upon your thoughts so we can move forward together?
- Your permutations and calculations are excess to prevailing realities or accepted logic and are in the realm of fantasy.
- I guess I’m not seeing what’s to gain if we take that path…could you explain it to me?
- I hear what you’re saying and I’ll take that into consideration. I’d like to use this time to explore [something, anything else] a little deeper right now.

These replies are bound to get your point across and make people re-evaluate their suggestions or ideas in a polite but firm way. If you enjoyed reading this, you will love these:
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Which of these lines are you likely to use? Kindly let me know in the comments below.