Reading more is a top wish that people have. It’s one of those elusive desires many people have. However, like most wishes on New Year’s lists, it is rarely achieved. Many people start many books but never finish.

Best Tips To Read More Books
Losing the ability to read copious amounts of written words is something that many people experience as they grow older. Even the most ardent reader experiences this from time to time. If you are trying to start reading more, or you want to rekindle your love for reading, here are the easiest tips you can follow;
Read Books That Interest You:
Reading a book you do not enjoy is a chore. It’s much easier to finish a book you enjoy. I tend to find people with my kind of taste in books and read their recommendations. I also read reviews and plot summaries of books I want to read. This helps me decide on whether that book is truly something I want to read.

Set Up A Reading Schedule
When I was struggling with reading, I decided to read ten pages of a book every day. This helped me to read something every day and build my reading habit. Pick a number of pages that you can commit to and try your best to do it. At a point, I struggled to finish ten pages at once, so I used to read two pages when I woke up, five pages during lunch and the remainder before bed.
Keep Trying
Forming new habits can be very difficult. Habits can take some months to master. It is necessary to understand that you will need to start and stop regularly. Be easy on yourself and keep trying.

I used these simple reading tips to reach my goal of reading over fifty books last year. If you have difficulty reading, these tips are a great start to get into the habit. You will love these best 2022 books to read during spring break. Here are some other lovely book articles;
- 20 Books Released This Year That Are Perfect Beach Reads
- Best Books by Nigerian Authors You Need to Read This Year
- Agatha Christie Books That Need To Be Turned Into Movies
- Amazing Girl Boss Books That Will Inspire Every Woman
- Best Underrated Thriller Books Filled With Suspense
What reading hacks do you use? Let us know in the comments below.