Art is life. It imitates life and vice versa. There are lots of beautiful artworks in the world, but sometimes you see a piece of art and it touches you to your very core. This is what happened to me when I saw by Eszter Anna Vörös.

Eszter Anna Vörös is a Hungarian artist that works in Gödöllő, Hungary. She also refers to herself as E.Y.C.I.I.R. which means “Everything You Can Imagine Is Real”. I’ve been reading a lot of thriller books and watching magical shows and her paintings remind me of those mythical worlds. Her work evokes emotion and you wish you could be transported there. You can see some of her art below;

Some of my paintings made with acrylic and markers, either on canvas or on paper. I usually refer to my pictures as “tales for adults” – as they may seem like they were created for children, but they frequently carry more serious messages which can be fully decoded by more experienced and more mature viewers.
Eszter Anna Vörös
Eszter Anna Vörös creates beautiful art. Her work transports me to a different realm and calms me down. You can buy her paintings on canvas, or get them applied on clothes or fine china. You can see more of her work at Artavita.

She regularly posts her art on Instagram and markets her work on social media. You can see her latest sketches and designs if you follow her. If you enjoyed reading this article, here are some incredibly talented artists you will love to see:
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Which of these paintings by Eszter Anna Vörös do you like? Let us know in the comments below.