Have you ever passed the return date on a book you borrowed from the library? This has happened to me before, and was followed by sweaty palms and fright.

Well, if you always return books late, you can heave a sigh of relief as reports show that a record has been set by a late book returnee which can never be broken.

The book in question is The Postman by Charlotte Kuh, and it belongs to the Silver Spring Library. The book was checked out in 1946, but the family unexpectedly moved to Canada, and took the book with them.
The Postman is a children’s book and the family had borrowed it for their toddler, Mora Gregg. Mora Gregg, now 75, and ironically a retired librarian, chanced upon the book while dusting her apartment and decided to return it.
Silver Spring Library is part of the Montgomery County Public Libraries System. It is located in Silver Spring, Maryland. The library has expressed great joy to have the book returned. They also did not charge a fine.
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