MarieTV is an online coaching channel to enable you to reach greater heights and fully unlock your potential. Honestly, there is so much to learn from her. It is owned by Marie Forleo, and her platform includes a blog and a YouTube channel. I spent the weekend binging on MarieTV and she’s amazing. Her sound business advice and the calibre of guests on her show have me in a great mood. Truly, she’s amazing.

As an entrepreneur, one needs constant reassurance that they’re making the right choices and Marie Forleo never disappoints. Every week on her channel, she has sit-down interviews with hugely successful people in society and gleans the secrets of their success. Her guests include founders, CEO’s, authors, coaches etc.
To make her videos even more entertaining, there are little pop-ins during these videos labelled Nuggets of Wisdom. These write out a major point that the guest just mentioned.
Whilst I learnt a lot from all the videos I binged on this weekend, the most trans-formative of them all was her interview with Renee Mauborgne titled, “Stop Competing and Start Creating”.

Here are the top four lessons from this talk;
Challenge Basic Assumptions:
The first way to succeed in a crowded industry or create a new pattern is to challenge already existing norms. When you think outside the box, you will realize that there are a lot of untapped opportunities.
Stop competing and start creating:
Renee points out that a ton of companies are similar. In most industries, there is an informal standard that many companies aim for. This stalls growth and inhibits imagination.
It’s always impossible until it’s done:
When most people figure out loopholes, the prospect of filling the gap may seem daunting. Renee stated that many people ought to ask themselves if someone else would be able to achieve that feat in ten years. If someone else, can do this why not you?
Don’t just advice, break it down into small steps:
A lot of people give advice without explaining the steps. Most people have the end goal in mind without determining the steps to reach that goal. It is important to have the goal as the focus, and a layout to achieve that goal.
You can watch the full video below;
If you watched this video and realised you’re an asset to your company, use these tips to ask for a salary raise.
What did you think about Marie Forleo’s business advice? Let us know in the comments.