15 Things You Will Learn About Life In Your Thirties

Life tips from people in their thirties.

Being in your twenties is a struggle. Every day is filled with worry about the future and stress that you aren’t doing enough. It doesn’t help that this is the age range where people make giant strides with their life or careers, so it is easy to compare yourself and feel subpar. Here are some incredible things that thirty-year-olds want people in their twenties to know.

These are the important things about life that thirty year olds want people in their twenties to know. Follow these life tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life in your twenties. Funny life tips that will help you improve. Best life tips for young adults. Practical life tips and daily life tips akin to 7 tips to be happy in life. Happy life tips and success in life tips. Life tips meaning.
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Amazing Things About Life Thirty Year Olds Want Young Adults To Know

Life isn’t linear. At every stage, there are the lessons that you learn that make you smarter and prepare you for the next stage. Here are some incredible lessons that smart twenty something’s can pick up from older millennials.

  • You will be alright. For real. All those worries you currently have, won’t even matter.
  • You will have better sex. Your orgasms will be amazing.
  • You will be more assertive and trust yourself more.
  • You will have your own tribe. Friendships that aren’t right for you will naturally fall away, don’t stress about it.
  • You will feel better about your body.
  • You’ll figure out what is important to you and understand that it is okay to change your mind as many times as you want.
  • You’ll realize that you can learn anything because you have done it over and over again.
These are the important things about life that thirty year olds want people in their twenties to know. Follow these life tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life in your twenties. Funny life tips that will help you improve. Best life tips for young adults. Practical life tips and daily life tips akin to 7 tips to be happy in life. Happy life tips and success in life tips. Life tips meaning.
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  • You’ll regret not appreciating your current body
  • You’ll get better at dealing with heartbreaks and things not working out. Be it loss or failure.
  • You’ll make more money.
  • You’ll have a deeper appreciation for your parents.
  • You’ll understand that all those “hacks to be successful” are lies. Luck plays a big role in who gets what. You’ll also understand that many times you create your own luck.
  • You’ll become more comfortable with saying no to things that aren’t for you.
  • You will start experiencing body pains.
  • You’ll understand and accept that there are no exact timelines for achievements.
These are the important things about life that thirty year olds want people in their twenties to know. Follow these life tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life in your twenties. Funny life tips that will help you improve. Best life tips for young adults. Practical life tips and daily life tips akin to 7 tips to be happy in life. Happy life tips and success in life tips. Life tips meaning.
(via Pexels)

Most of these life tips were garnered from successful tech lawyer, Moe. You can follow her for more incredible life lessons; @Mochievous. If you enjoyed reading this, here are some others you will love;

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Which of these life tips was helpful to you? Kindly let us know in the comments below. Ndewoo