Summer is here, girls. This is one of my best seasons. It’s the season of sun and fun. These are the days when you don’t have to wait for the golden hour to take pictures that have a natural glow because that effect exists all day long. One of the problems with the hotter weather is that your makeup might not last as long as it usually does.

Simple Ways To Make Your Summer Makeup Last
Beauty is very important to people. Looking good makes you feel good, and has been scientifically shown to make people like you and treat you better. Since many people have tons of summer activities lined up, there is a chance that you will be wearing makeup more and going out more.

However, after a few days, you will realize that your makeup is not lasting as long as it usually does during other seasons. You probably find yourself going to the ladies’ room more often to touch up your makeup. Here are simple beauty tips to incorporate into your routine that will make your makeup last.
Mix A Moisturizer And Primer
Before applying any makeup on your face, mix a moisturizer and primer and rub it all over your face. It is advisable to pick a moisturizer that is oil-free and good for your skin type. Primer protects your skin from the chemicals in makeup. It is filled with protective ingredients that will make your makeup last.

Apply Your Makeup Differently
When applying foundation or other full coverage makeup products, place more on areas that don’t sweat a lot, and use the remnants left on the brush to apply to areas of your face that tend to get oily.
Use Setting Powder
After applying your makeup, use a setting powder to set the products you have applied on your face. It is advisable to focus on the areas that tend to get oily. Kindly note that it is better to use loose setting powder than pressed setting powder.
Makeup Maintenance
Most times, we touch up our makeup with powder as the day goes on. Adding more full coverage products can actually make you get oily. Use blotting paper or blotting powder to lightly dab your makeup as it wears. It won’t add coverage or extra products but will mattify your face.

These are the best tips that are bound to keep your makeup on all day during these hot summer months. They are quick and easy to add to your makeup routine. If you enjoyed reading this, you will love these skincare articles:
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Which of these easy tips to makeup last all day during summer is already part of your routine, and which will you start to implement? Kindly let us know in the comments below.