Easy Life Hacks That Will Make Things Simpler For You

Life tips to help you enjoy life.

Growing up comes with tons of responsibilities and knowledge. The truth is that no one can know it all, and there will be many moments when you discover a new life hack and go “oh”. To help make your life easier, here are the best life hacks compiled from the internet.

These are the important things about life that thirty year olds want people in their twenties to know. Follow these life tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life in your twenties. Funny life tips that will help you improve. Best life tips for young adults. Practical life tips and daily life tips akin to 7 tips to be happy in life. Happy life tips and success in life tips. Life tips meaning. Best life advice for middle aged.

Twitter user @lasrina asked for tips that make your life simpler and the replies kept pouring in. These are my best picks from the sea of responses.

  1. Microwave in short bursts and stir.
  2. Decide what you want to do & identify barriers to doing it. Nothing is too silly – if it stops you from accomplishing what you want, change it.
  3. Moisturizer actually does make a difference.
  4. Put the hand cream on when your skin is WET.
  5. If a recipe starts with “Preheat the oven”, ignore it, unless your oven’s really slow to heat. You don’t need it sitting there at 160C / 320F while you wash and chop vegetables, beat butter & sugar, whip egg whites, marinate chicken, or whatever. Wait till you’re nearly done.
  6. Look on YouTube for the burrito method of applying a duvet cover.
  7. If you wash and reuse the dishes in your sink, the dishes will pile up less.
  8. Vents and pockets on fancy jackets are usually sewn shut for shipping. You’re supposed to cut it open when you wear it the first time.
  9. You can easily peel ginger by scraping the edges with the side of a spoon.
  10. An espresso cup full is the perfect amount of uncooked rice for one person.
  11. Have an easy-to-access go bag that you put together yourself for an emergency – and have an emergency plan in place with everyone you live with.
  12. Wear sunscreen!
  13. Messy handwriting & need to write something neatly? Draw the letters instead of writing them.
  14. My thing is never to send an email/text when you’re feeling a strong emotion. Definitely write it! But then sit on it for at least 6hrs until you’ve had time to cycle to the next feeling.
  15. Washing your hands with soap after cutting chilis won’t remove the capsaicin. Put a drop of oil on your fingers first, then wash that off with soap.
  16. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, try sitting in the sun for a little bit.
  17. If you are planning on making a complaint to HR or a leasing office, always create a paper trail. Everyone is not going to take your word for it.
  18. When making a thick sauce, stir in a figure 8 and not a circle.
  19. Keep cash in your wallet and hidden in your car. Memorize 4 phone numbers if you have an emergency. Make sure someone you trust always knows where you are. Nothing matters as much as your brain will convince you it does.
  20. CLOSE THE TOILET LID BEFORE YOU FLUSH! Otherwise, the aerosolized toilet water will spray your bathroom with poo particles. Your clean shower towel is in your bathroom. So is your toothbrush. Close the whole lid.
These are the important things about life that thirty year olds want people in their twenties to know. Follow these life tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life in your twenties. Funny life tips that will help you improve. Best life tips for young adults. Practical life tips and daily life tips akin to 7 tips to be happy in life. Happy life tips and success in life tips. Life tips meaning. Best life advice for middle aged.
(via Pexels)

These important life hacks are truly helpful. If you enjoyed reading this, here are some others you will love;

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These are the best life tips that will help you. Which of these tips is important to you? Kindly let me know in the comments below.
